

What we do

Deliver live, visual reporting via the SILicone anywhere and at anytime across your entire organisation.
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Our Products

Scalable Architecture Pegboard SILicone is a robust, secure enterprise environment built to be scalable, efficient, and intuitive. SILicone is unique in both its architecture, specification, and security.

  • Latest Technology
  • Easy Deployment
  • Extensible
  • Scalable – From small to enterprise
  • RESTful interface to all functionality
  • Standard ODATA reporting sources for systems integrated with SILicone
  • Cloud-ready
  • Real-time notification of issues with systems integrated with SILicone
  • Flexible authentication and security management - integrate directly with existing authentication methods
Endless Endpoints SILicone endpoints allow you to communicate with the various systems your company uses on a daily basis and create seamless integration between them. We keep extending the list of supported apps, allowing you to work with data from more sources.

You can create connections to any number of custom endpoints targeted to your business needs.
Customised For You SILicone pulls all of your platforms together through a single point, to be viewed on two user dashboards for:

IT Department Add, create, map, report and manage their endpoint connections in one place.

Managers and Staff Access to reports, summaries and useful tools that pull from any connected data source
Real Time Reports Set up secure, automated summary reports as you require them pulled from any data source you have connected to SILicone.

Reports can be built using the exposed ODATA data sources, with general statistics available for each endpoint.
Dedicated Support We understand that support is a key requirement for any software that you deploy into your IT infrastructure. We pride ourselves on supporting your organisation before, during and after the implementation of SILicone to ensure that you really are transforming the way your organisation manages and utilises data.

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